
Read on for some of our guiding texts and initiatives.
Food Equity Initiative FY22 End of Year Report to City Council
Review updated recommendations to the City Climate Action Plan second draft. October 2022
Review Round I Cultivate Food Justice Network recommendations to the City Climate Action Plan Draft. September 2022.
Read FJN’s Food Equity Policy Platform. October 2021.
Review Cultivate Food Justice Network recommendations that have been included in the new City of Charlottesville Comprehensive Plan. Fall 2021.
This report was presented to Charlottesville City Council on November 1st, 2021.
This Food Equity Initiative Take Action Advocacy Toolkit was instrumental in bringing together community voice and demonstrate support. March 2021.
Review the presentation from the Community Roundtable: A Seat at the Table from April 29th, 2021.
This review captures the lessons learned and best practices in equity-based response strategies used or developed during the early and mid-term phases of the pandemic in the Charlottesville area with regard to community food security, from March through early fall 2020. The report examines operational and system-wide responses from the Charlottesville Food Justice Network (FJN) member and partner organizations and community leaders with a focus on building racial equity into the framework of the local response. January 2021. Review the summary to the left, or read the full report here.
The Food Justice Network (FJN) of Cultivate Charlottesville and The Equity Center at the University of Virginia (UVA) conducted a program evaluation on the COVID-19 Wraparound Services Program in Charlottesville, Virginia. November 2020. Review the summary to the left, or read the full report here.
The Commonwealth of Virginia identified a cohesive set of goals and strategies to move the need on food security in Virginia. This report, the Virginia Roadmap to End Hunger, provides critical next steps to developing substantial policy recommendations, programs and partnerships. Cultivate Charlottesville Food Justice Network is featured on page 22. October 2020.
Our presentation to the Virginia Food Security Summit, as part of Virginia’s Roadmap to End Hunger. October 2020.
A foundational text “identifying and understanding disparities in food access, defining food justice, and a call to action to craft equitable practices and policies that uphold food as a basic human right”. Written by former FJN Director Shantell Bingham, MPH. January 2018.
Our Root(ed) Framework was crafted in conjunction with UVa’s Curry School students in 2018 as a guide for our garden programming. The CSG Education Roots Framework is “grounded in our core values, and is intended to provide garden-based, experiential learning opportunities and leadership development that: cultivates gardening skills; promotes health; nurtures social & cultural development & enhances academic learning.”
The equity framework for addressing change developed by the Food Justice Network.
Paul Kivel asks, “Can we provide social service and work for social change, or do our efforts to provide human services maintain or even strengthen social inequality?” 2006
The FJN’s 2018 call for a Food Access Reform in the City’s Comprehensive Plan
Food Equity Initiative Chapters
- Healthy School Foods Chapter
- Urban Agriculture Chapter (coming soon)
- Affordable Housing & Food Equity (coming soon)
- Food Access Markets (coming later this year)
- Transportation & Food Pathways (coming later this year)