Food Justice Network

We are working together to build a healthy and just food system for all Charlottesville community members, no matter an individuals’ race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, age, economic background, or neighborhood location.

Cultivate Charlottesville Food Justice Network builds racial equity in our food system through education, organizing, and advocacy. As a collective, over 25 organizations work in unique and complementary ways to build  a healthy and just food system in Charlottesville. Our work focuses on the intersection of food equity with healthy school foods, affordable housing, urban agriculture, access and markets, and food pathways transportation. Read more about our work by clicking on text in the pop up blocks below.

Organizations or individuals can join the Food Justice Network large group to explore ways in which our local food system creates opportunities and barriers to accessible, healthy nutritious food; amplify an understanding of practices that contribute to racial and food inequity; mobilize resources for combined impact across aligned organizations; and implement strategies and activities to transform inequities in our food system. Visit our Take Action page to see how you can get involved!

We are a group of over 25 organizations representing different sectors within a larger system. Working alongside one another, we hope to address systems change through City and partner collaborations and resident support and engagement. With many collaborations, organizing the larger body takes the dedicated attention of a core team! The FJN Planning Team meets frequently to organize the group, plan events, collaborate with city officials and policy makers, and of course, share opportunities for our work to cross pollinate with one another. We share this work with the larger partnering body. For questions about the network, please feel free to reach out to any of the planning team members


To join the Food Justice Network large group, sign up HERE for our monthly newsletter updates and contact our team to join our google group listserv: 

Visit our Resources page for our Racial Equity Framework and other reports and papers.