
We believe that working together to grow gardens, share food and power, and advocate for just systems – cultivates a healthy community for all.

Our Mission:

Cultivate Charlottesville engages youth and community in building an equitable, sustainable food system through garden-based experiential learning, growing and sharing healthy food, amplifying community leaders, and advocating for food justice.

Our Approach:

Cultivate Charlottesville aims to work together to empower ourselves to create a healthy and equitable food system – personally, in community, and across systems and structures. We do this through an integrated approach from three core programs: City Schoolyard Garden, founded in 2010; Urban Agriculture Collective, which began as the Quality Community Council in 2007; and Food Justice Network, launched in 2015. In 2018 we came together to implement a coordinated approach for amplified impact.

Our Commitment:

At Cultivate Charlottesville, we recognize the role race has played and continues to play in agriculture and education in Charlottesville and the nation. Because we manage garden spaces and work with public school students and community members affected by racial inequities, we commit to building equity in all our work.

Our Impact:

Read our 2019-2020 Impact Report here.

Cultivate’s Statement Regarding Black Lives
Cultivate’s Statement Regarding The Land We’re On