![]() Changing with the Seasons at CSG November 2019 Newsletter ![]() Grains Grains Grains at Jackson-Via Humans have grown and milled grains such as corn and wheat for thousands of years. For most of those years, the task was accomplished with hand tools. As part of the Kindergarten Social Studies unit Long ago and Today, three classes at Jackson Via learned first-hand to make flours from whole corn and wheat, while wondering what everyday life was like more than 100 years ago. ![]() UACC: Celebrating Twelve Years of Growing The farming life is fraught with uncertainty about the weather. On the Saturday before UACC’s Fall Garden Gathering, the temperature struggled to reach a chilly 45 degrees before dropping back below freezing. But then just like that, Sunday arrived with sunny skies and an almost balmy 66 degrees. The day grew brighter still with the laughter of children skirting about the big tent set up for the event, a day bookended by cheerful greetings and bittersweet memories.
It was the end of an era at Friendship Court. After 12 years of working side-by-side with community members to grow and share healthy food, UACC put its flagship garden to bed for the last time. Next Spring, instead of kale and collards, new housing will rise out of the rich soil nurtured for so many years by former Farmer Todd, now with the Office of Human Rights, and UACC’s Farm Manager, Jennifer Minor.
Sunday’s celebration had the look and feel of a family reunion with long-time founder and supporter, Karen Waters-Wicks in attendance. She was accompanied by current and former UACC Board members, advisors, volunteers, donors, and well-wishers. As music blared and old friends caught up, children swarmed the face painting station, took turns swinging at a piñata, and helped paint a mural that will adorn UACC’s remaining 6th Street garden next Spring. In the garden, a dedicated crew led by Farmer Todd and Shannon Gaffey, Garden Educator at Buford Middle School, dug up blueberry plants for attendees to replant in their home and school gardens. ![]() Design Marathon Selection! In October we, along with program partners Urban Agriculture Collective of Charlottesville and the Charlottesville Food Justice Network, were lucky enough to watch geniuses in action. Our three partner organizations were selected as this year’s Design Marathon Client Partner.
The Sixth Annual Design Marathon brought together upwards of 50 regional graphic designers who were given the challenge to create a comprehensive visual identity for our partner programs in our tenth year.
We are so grateful to Serena Gruia who, as the Director of Our Creative Might, was an integral part of allowing our participation in this year’s Design Marathon. Thanks also to Lucas Czarnecki for his work on Charlottesville Design Week.
Stay tuned in 2020 for the grand reveal of our new logo! ![]() Food Equity Initiative Over the past year, our community has accomplished much more together than what we could do on our own. We launched a new practice for uplifting community voice and leadership through the Community Food Justice Program. We began a new partnership with city council and city departments through the Food Equity Initiative. And we brought countless community members and organizations together for city-wide action planning and visioning through EPA's Local Food, Local Places workshops.
This past Monday, CFJN was awarded funds from Charlottesville City Council to continue our partnership in advancing food equity in our community. We are excited to continue the this collective work through our ever-growing network.
Thank you Charlottesville City Council!
![]() CSG sends out a hearty thank you to each and every one of the individuals, businesses and foundations that support making youth garden connections. We thrive with your partnerships. Thank you! Join our Cultivar Partners.
![]() Are you interested in Volunteering? Make sure that you're signed up to receive the volunteer emails sent out monthly. We have regular Harvest of the Month volunteer opportunities, garden workdays, building projects, beautification projects and love support from the community to get these done!
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